Friday 18 April 2014

Implementing more sounds into the game


After a number of play tests, I implemented some new sounds into the game. I replaced the old planet mining sound, because many players said it sounded horrible. When I changed the sound to a new one a while ago (I should have already put the reference in the bibliography) player's thought it was an improvement. However some of the new sounds like when the player is refuelling, many players' requested for the audio files to be changed.


Menu button click sound:

With the menu button click sounds, I found a nice sound for this, I wanted something light sounding because the menu looks a little like a pain of glass or hologram but I wanted something that had a little weight and felt responsive. With this in mind I have found one online, which I will test with players to see if they like it or not.

Ship moving sound:

I have implemented a thruster sound for this. I originally found two good sounds however I went to the first sounds because player's liked how the first one was more subtle and not in one's face. After properly implementing it into the game, player's liked it but a few asked for it to be only slightly louder because they found it difficult to hear.

Ship Fire laser sound:

I have not found a sound for this just yet, however it's one of my top priorities currently. Many player's have stated they would like a sound effect for this action, however I have not managed to find one that's suitable as of yet. I hay have to purchase one online via the Unity Asset store.

Planet mining drill sound:

Since I last implemented the mining sound, I decided to find another audio file. Many player's connected on the sound to be horrible and manipulating the sound did not improve anything. The audio file I found was made by mckinneysound's uploaded to (mckinneysound's. Web. 27 Apr. 2014. Many player seemed to be ok with this sound. With the general reaction to this, because player's though the sound was ok but not completely horrible I will keep the sound effect in place unless I am able to find a suitable replacement in time.

Ship receive damage sound:

I have not found a sound for this but again it's on the top of my priorities list. I would like something that sounds like a heavy object has hit a heavy metal object, or if a car has a metal dent or if something was hit by a bullet.

Player ship dead sound:

For this I have used a soft-ware tool called "cfxr", it is a reworked Max OS X version of SFXR by Bengtsson, J (Bengtsson, J. I used this tool because I found many of the explosion sounds online did not fit the theme and most of them sounded tinny. Now I know one can't scream in space due to the lack of air but I thought it would help with the game feel and be responsive for the player. The cfxr tool is an application that will randomly generate a sound from a range of topics, such as e.g. explosions, random, PickUp, Shoot, PowerUp, Hit, Jump and bump. When the user clicks these buttons it will randomly generate a sound from one of these fields.

Although this tool is designed for creating simple 8-bit sounds, quickly, I have found it quite useful in the past. The CFXR application is a Mac Port of Dr. Petters SFXR program. It was ported by Joachim Bengtsson.

Enemy ship dead sound:

With the enemy ship dead sound, because  liked the explosion sound I created using the CFXR application I decided to use it again, when the enemy ship explodes (Bengtsson, J. After I implemented this and had it play tested, many users seemed to like it. With this in mind, I will keep the sounds effect since it goes well with the explosion particle effect unless I manage to find a superior audio file.

Many players did not notice how I used the same explosion sound on the enemy death as the player death. Player's seemed to like it because the ship would blow up when shot at, and it adds to the immersion of the game with the visuals and is found to be satisfying.

Result and next iteration:

During the next iteration, when I have fixed various errors from my previous iteration, and refined variouse part of new design features (i.g. make it more visual when the enemy is taking damage (and the player), I will find some more sounds to add, such as taking damage, laser fire, and refuelling sounds. As well as this I would like to add a sound for when the player's score raises, to make the score system when the player had killed an enemy ship, more responsive and satisfying, so the player get audio as well as visual feedback. If the game is more responsive both visually and audio wise, the player can think less and concentrate more on avoiding and destroying ships and other aspects, and managing their resource gained in the game.

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