Thursday 17 October 2013

Refining the mechanics to a degree

One of my ideas was to look into procedural generation. I mentioned this to Chris and I read a book on it that he decremented, and I read the areas he decremented I start on and other parts I was interested in. He suggested looking into textures, then noise, then another area (I think bump maps(but my memory is horrible)).

Therefore over the weekend I read the chapters on texturing, noise, bump mapping, fractals and terrain. Even though these areas were interesting, the mathematical formulas were a bit above my level and I worked out they would annoy me in the long run.

After this I worked out I would rather make a resource management game in Unity. I have previously worked with resource management game in a past project. I enjoyed creating the game and researching the managing resource mechanic, however I do not feel I fully explored the area and would like to make a robust game out of it.

For the time being I will keep the helicopter game idea with the managing mechanic but I will develop the skin for it later (but shortly).

What mechanics and things my game will contain

Resource managing mechanic:

Resource managing is when a player is forced to keep track of multiple elements while frantically clicking around a computer screen attempting to keep everything stable and on track. When creating a board game there variables must be limited since people can't keep track of too many variables. However with computers, the designer can hide tonnes of these and show only what the player needs to see, which adds more polish and complexity. This can mean keeping track of more game pieces, but managing more items such as capacity variables and and how far away some pieces are to each other (Trefy, G. (2010), p139).


A resources is any concept which can be measured numerically (either as an integer or decimal). Nearly anything in a game can function as a resource, (this includes disposable items under the players control). Anything a player can gather, produce, collect or destroy is most likely a resource of some kind (Adams, E and Dormans, J. (2012), p60).


A tangible resource is a resource which holds physical qualities and can be stored in a particular place in world space and occupies world space. These often have to be more else where in the game world. An example of this is a players inventory like a ruck sack or if a player has mined gold and need to store it some where like a bank (Adams, E and Dormans, J. (2012), p60).


Any resources in the game world that do not occupy world space or posses physical properties are intangible and they do not need to be held is a specific location. This can include, player health, or time for a timer (Adams, E and Dormans, J. (2012), p60).


An entity can store specific quantities of a resource. For example in my game, the player avatar, water tower or house, are entities since they store resources at a specific quantity (Adams, E and Dormans, J. (2012), p.61).

Simple entities:

A simple entity stores only one value of a resource. For example, a glass can only hold fluid in it. In my game for the time being, the houses on fire will be simple entities since they will only be able to hold the variable for the fires value (unless things become more complex) (Adams, E and Dormans, J. (2012), p.61).

Compound entities:

These are a collection of a number of related simple entities, meaning compound entities can hold more than a single value. For example, the main avatar in my managing game will have a maximum speed value, damage value and maximum water value. All of these entities tied together compose a compound entity, and the simple entities are relabeled as attributes (Adams, E and Dormans, J. (2012), p.61).


This mechanic creates completely new resources out of thin air. They may produce a resource when a certain condition is met, at a certain time. A source will generate a resource of some kind and store it in an entity some where in the game world. Sources can produce resources and a continuous production rate, or can be triggered by events in game. They can also be activated and deactivated (Adams, E and Dormans, J. (2012), pp.61-62).


These are the polar opposite of sources. These physically take resources out of the game, reducing the amount stored in an entity permanently removing them from the game (Adams, E and Dormans, J. (2012), p.62). For example in my game, when I put out a fire, the fire is a drain since it reduces the amount of water in the game world.

What my game will possibly contain


A converter physically turns one kind of resource into another in the game world. For example if a player has some iron ore and they convert it into a iron block when it is smelted. The act of smelting is a converter mechanic and converts resources at a specific rate, in some game the player can upgrade the efficiency of the process (Adams, E and Dormans, J. (2012), p.62).


A trader, moved resources from one place in game to another completely different place in the opposite direction, according to a given exchange rule. Unlike converters, traders do not crate of destroy resources, just move them from one entity to another (Adams, E and Dormans, J. (2012), p.62).


Adams, E and Dormans, J (2012). Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design. Berkeley: New Riders NRG. p60.

Adams, E and Dormans, J (2012). Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design. Berkeley: New Riders NRG. p61.

Adams, E and Dormans, J (2012). Game Mechanics: Advanced Game Design. Berkeley: New Riders NRG. p62.

Trefy, G (2010). Casual Games Design: Designing Play for the Gamer in All of Us. Burlington: Morgan Kaufmen. p139.

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