Sunday 6 October 2013

Ideas for my dissertation (helicopter game)

Hello, this is the first blog for keeping track on what I have done so far for my dissertation. This blog post will be explaining what my dissertation is about.

For my dissertation I would like to demonstrate a T - shaped skills set. This means I have one of two skills that are the back bone of the project, but showing I also have other skills in the field that may be useful to a company or if I go independent.

The back bone of the project will be my code and design skills since these are versatile skills and are valued by many companies. The other reason is I would like to refine the code and design skills I already have whilst learning new skills in the field (including useful skills in the other areas).

The design fields I would like to explore are the managing mechanic and some level design. The reason for this is, they would both fit well together for this game for the player to travel across the level. The other reason is I have experimented with managing mechanics before, however I would like to explore it in more depth. Because this would be a resource management game. I would also like to explore some aspects of unity animation, level design as well as the managing mechanic as a whole.

How would I like to be marked:

I would like to marked on my code and design skills in general. I would like to be marked on the other sides like animation, modelling and the such, but these are not the first priority for marking. for some textures I may purchase them or find royalty free ones and reference them as to not hinder the development of the game.

In my next blog post I will include the research I have done for this project. These things include, art style, animation techniques, types of games similar to this on the market and so fourth.


- Player controls a helicopter that fires water from a canon attached to it. (possibly a bucket type thing as well?)

- The player uses the water cannon to put of fires on buildings, forests and/or feilds.

- The player could rescue people / objects or animalsfrom burning buildings.

- The fires could get worse if the player doesn't act on them quickly.
- Fires could, spread, become more intense or get worse in clour or more damaging.
- Fires could spread to different buildings or objects.

- There could be different types of fires, e.g. electrica, chemical, normal, oil. These could require different types of extinguishers.

- These fires could combine and get get worse.

- The fires could change shape or alter in some way depending on what start they are in or if the player is extinguishing them.

- If the player uses the wrong type of extinguisher, the fire could be exaserbated or not change.

- Lots of resource managing mechanic possibilities and level design opportunities.

- The player could transfport repair supplies or something to other parts of the level or gain extra points.

- The helicopter could be repaired and refuled
- The player could upgrade the helicopter between levels.

- If the player can't get past a level, the can replay a level they are good at and pay to unlock the next level.

- Laser guide
- Modular level design and creation
- Semi-procedural generation?

What my aims with this project:

To have the helicopter,

To have at least two levels (Including a tutorial level as Level 1)

How can I make the player want to out out the fires and do some good in the game world.

How ca I make them think, 'oh crap' if one of the fires has gotten out of hand.

Target Audience:

My target audience for this game are young males ranging to teenagers, possibly early twenties.



Controlling an object.
Firing water (or fluid) at a flammable objects (specifically fire).
Resource managing mechanic - player manages water resources for fires. Players must make sure fires don’t go out of control.

The fires could damage the avatar if the player get’s too close, or it could damage the building.

The fire could change shape when being extinguished by the water. Different types of fire could be more difficult to put out.

The fires could also be a clock, therefore also a time management game? E.g. The fires could become more intense over time and/ or spread their area. This could be used also af a time management mechanic, since time could be a resource if the player doesn’t keep an eye on things.

The player will only be able to jump (or fly) to a certain height or distance.

Because this is a resource managing mechanic, the player will have to refuel somehow or refill their water. Time could be done in later levels by allowing the player to have enough water for early levels, but then the player could go to a source in the level and refill. However the player would have to manage their time correctly. Or the water could replenish automatically over time and the avatar could be a source.
Bullet Time - The player can slow down time for a limited period.

Skin (Art):

Player Avatar - kangaroo, flea, Extra terrestrial sauces or space craft. Other anthropomorphic creature.

Fire(s) - these would be implemented via a particle effect. This method seems efficient and versatile. As the fire grows over time the color could become more intense and spread. It could also activate another fire particle system. adjacent to it. It could also be affected by wind, or external forces.

When the player is extinguishing the fire, it could reduce in size and intensity. Also if the fire has a different cause, such as electrical or chemical, the particle colour could be different or tinted in some way. Or it could have a different hue, to show the player this is a different type of fire,

Smoke around fire - this again would be implemented via a particle effect emitter. This will be very dark in colour. It will gradualy become larger than the fire itself as the fire grows larger.
- Fire details

Art style - slightly cartoony
Possible themes. Kangeroo. Alien abduction.

I may not go with a helicopter since helicopters are used more in simulation games, which have a serious tone. Some people find this entertaining however, it would be difficult to make this fun in some way. For this reason I may change the player avatar to something more anthropomorphic or humanoid since this will aid with player, avatar bonding and will make the player

Houses. - Detached, semi-detached, 2 - 3 floors. Normal triangular roof. The houses could appear more damaged or the colour tint could change as the fire gets worse.
Buildings - Offices, Shops, 10, 20 or thirty stories tall. Glass office buildings.

Trees. - Small trees, different breeds of trees.

Bushes or shrubs?

GUI -- Score counter
GUI -- water tank display
GUI -- energy or fuel display?


This is the first attempt at refining the ideas, mechanics and art. In the next blog post these ideas will be more refined and improved (possibly some of the mechanics to a degree). The items discussed in this blog post such as the theme or skin of the art assets may be subject to change. However these changes will be confirmed shortly as to not delay the development of the project itself. Also how I would liked to be marked on the project will be confirmed shortly, to make sure I am on the right track.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joe.

    I know that a number of conversations have taken place since this blog entry and that you have done more work on the concept. What we need is an update over a few paragraphs that tells us where your thnking is now so that we can track progress easily.
